A field fence is essential to farm security, confining livestock and keeping crops safe from predators and other threats. However, not all types of fences are right for every situation. The fence you choose should be suited to the animals and crops in your care, as well as your specific land and zoning laws.
Woven field fences are a common choice for farms, protecting livestock from escape and predators with a strong, sturdy barrier made of tightly woven wire mesh. They can be electrified or fitted with barbed wire to deter animals from digging under, and can also be used with gates to keep animals in or out of pastures and corrals.
“Ensuring Safety and Security: Livestock Fencing Solutions
Typically woven with heavy-gauge galvanized steel, this fencing is available in a range of heights to accommodate different animal sizes and containment needs. Depending on your land and the specific herd, you may need to install fences at higher heights for protection or lower heights for visibility and ease of movement.
Many woven field fences are designed to be non-climbing, with either V-mesh or narrower two-inch-wide grid squares that are difficult for hooves to get caught in. Special wire crimps or knots prevent horizontal and vertical wires from sliding on each other when the fence is climbed, ensuring your livestock can’t become entangled.
Some woven field fences are also available in high-tensile (HT) wire, which is stronger than mild steel and can withstand more intense forces from animals. HT field fences require fewer posts than standard field fences, but are still durable enough to resist most animal attacks. If you select this type of fence, be sure to read up on HT fence safety and install the fence properly.
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