GPR survey, also known as Global Particle Positioning System survey or GPRS, is a surveying method that uses low-frequency sound waves to pinpoint the exact location of a drilling point on earth. This technique is used in order to gather data on the soil quality, the current state of the surface and the general conditions of the environment. The cost of this surveying method depends on the type of equipment and its technology implementation. Most of the sites that require such surveying methods are those that have not been surveyed earlier.
An example of such sites is the mining area; areas that are being mined require a higher resolution compared to other places. So, the surveyors also use advanced technologies like Very High Resolution Optical Maps (VHROG) and Very Low Resolution Optical Maps (VLSOM) in order to gather more accurate data. Besides that, the surveyors also use data collection parameters in order to get more accurate results. Usually, the surveyors calculate the survey area by taking the cross-section of the surface with the highest resolution along with the survey points.
Another example is ship surveys. In ship surveying, the surveyors take pictures from the exterior of the ship and use them in order to determine its position. But it is often noted that such high resolution images are difficult to obtain. So the surveyors make use of some low-resolution images. One of the common methods for taking such low resolution images is the GPRS system. All the GPRS devices are equipped with software that allows them to capture the images using low resolution.