Following recent clarifications by the DEA, 2022 brought an increase in Hemp derived delta 9 THC products. Products like gummies are popular because they’re discreet and offer a more controlled dosage than smoking or vaping. They also tend to deliver longer-lasting effects compared to other methods of consumption.
How Hemp Derived Delta 9 Works
Exclusive Delta 9 THC | Indacloud interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to create full-body effects. This can lead to feelings of euphoria and increased appetite commonly known as “the munchies.” It can also have therapeutic effects including pain relief, stress relief, and anxiety reduction.
While many people enjoy complimenting delta 9 with other cannabinoids like CBD, it’s important to note that each person experiences the effects differently. This is because each individual’s metabolism and tolerance levels are different. That’s why 3CHI recommends starting with the recommended dose and increasing from there.
Delta 9 is typically consumed orally, either as a gummy or in a cartridge. The cartridges are small and electronic, making it easy to carry around without having to keep a lighter on hand. The cartridges simply attach to your compatible vaping device and you inhale through the mouthpiece. This method of inhalation avoids combusting the Delta 9 and helps to reduce the risk of bronchitis. THCA can be converted to Delta 9 through a process called supercritical CO2 extraction, which utilizes carbon dioxide under high pressure and low temperature to separate the product.