Unlocking your courage is a journey, but if you cultivate bravery, embrace vulnerability, and take steps each day towards your goals, you can develop the resilience to thrive even in the face of challenges. Courage is the courage to confront fear, pain, and uncertainty.
Tap into Courage with EFT to the fear or drinking a bottle of liquid courage like the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz, consider tapping into Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or other self-healing techniques. This ancient practice has been proven effective to reduce the effects of anxiety, fear and phobias, and restore health, balance and harmony to the body.
Tapping into Courage: Exploring the Power of EFT for Emotional Wellness
EFT Tapping is an energy healing system that stimulates the body’s meridian pathways using the same points used in acupuncture. It has been clinically shown to lower stress, tension, anxiety and past trauma, enabling health, happiness and vitality.
In this article, Jess Flery shares her deeply personal and moving EFT Gathering presentation on the role that EFT played in her recovery from PTSD and a chronically debilitating mental health condition. It is her hope that this audio recording will inspire you to take the next step toward embracing your courageous potential.
Cultivating courage takes time and practice. But if you work at it each day, you’ll soon find that the fear and uncertainty that once paralyzed you are no longer an impediment to your success. Just be sure to nurture your resilience by getting plenty of sleep, eating well, and practicing mindfulness or meditation to ensure you have the strength and emotional intelligence to overcome obstacles that come your way.