What Is an EU Blue Card?

eu blue card

If you are currently a non-EU national and are interested in exploring your career opportunities in one of the many sectors open in the UK including finance, commerce, information technology and some of the public sectors, then you may wish to look into an eu blue card. An eu blue card is an accepted EU-wide employment permit that allowing highly qualified non-EU citizens to reside and work in 25 of the member states of the European Union, excluding Ireland and Denmark, who are not otherwise subject to the Lisbon Treaty proposal. The eu blue card also allows you permanent residence, provided that you fulfil the employment criteria and reside in the member state of your choice for at least two years. This allows the potential access to a large number of job categories, depending on your specialist area of expertise. For example, a eu blue card holder may be able to apply for a job in the government, the NHS, the Department for Education, the Bank of England, the Department for Transport, the National Farmers’ Market or the Royal Veterinary College. There are also opportunities available for professional development within these sectors as well as other industries that are not covered by the employment laws of the UK.


It is important to note that this card does not cover the holder’s passport or immigration status. In order to gain entry to the United Kingdom for work purposes, a valid passport is required. Therefore, obtaining an eu blue card does not guarantee passage through the UK immigration procedure. This is because it requires evidence of a person’s identity, provided by a full birth certificate, a registration certificate or a relevant social security number, unless a visa is already present. Besides the fact that the applicant must have a minimum of two years of work experience in the designated sector in order to apply for the card, a eu blue card holder cannot also hold a United Kingdom passport.


An eu blue card holder who wishes to travel outside of the United Kingdom for employment or study purposes may do so via a visa. In accordance with the UK Immigration Law, an immigrant who wishes to travel outside of the United Kingdom for six months or more must hold a residence permit. The type of visa an applicant can obtain depends on the type of visa that the applicant holds. For instance, a visitor visa is different from an immigrant visa and an educational visa is different from a family visa. A visitor visa allows the holder to travel to other countries and an educational visa allows the holder to study in another country.

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